Dowager's Hump

Image for Dowager's Hump


Dowager's hump, also known as hyperkyphosis, is a condition characterized by an excessive curvature of the thoracic spine near the base of the neck. This condition can cause a rounded hunch that many people refer to as a hunchback. Poor posture is the leading cause of Dowager's hump, but other factors can also contribute to this condition. These factors may include osteoporosis, a congenital problem, or Scheuermann's kyphosis, which is a disorder that affects the growth of the spinal column. Ultimately, Dowager’s hump happens as a result of the weakening of muscles around your thoracic spine. When those muscles weaken, other muscles have to compensate and that puts those additional muscles under constant strain from overuse. Massage therapy aids in correcting the muscle imbalances in the upper back, neck, shoulder, and chest to retain proper postural alignment. This will help relieve pain and improve your range of motion. Wondering what service option is best for Dowager's hump? Choose a Practitioner below and try booking a Deep Tissue Massage or Cupping Therapy. *Disclaimer: While treatment options for Dowager's hump can vary depending on the underlying cause, it's essential to maintain good posture and seek medical attention if the condition is causing pain or limiting mobility.



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